Moving water from last to first in the Middle East peace process

International Journal of Water Resources Development

Published On: July 8th, 2020

Author: David B. Brooks and Julie Trottier


Brooks, D.B., & Trottier, J. (2020, July 8). Moving water from last to first in the Middle East peace process. International Jouirnal of Water Resources Development.


Differences about fresh water rarely if ever lead to war between neighbouring nations. However, lack of agreement about equitable water use will sooner or later disrupt water management systems. Similarly, unless fresh water is managed sustainably by both nations, their social and economic development will lag, with ultimate effects on any peace agreement. This Viewpoint describes an existing proposal for joint approaches by Israel and Palestine to managing their transboundary water, as well as current unilateral actions by the two governments that work against equitable and sustainable water management.