Published On: December 1st, 2013
Author: Jacquie Belzile with Madelaine Martin, Liam Edwards, Glen Brown, Laura Brandes, and Anna Warwick Sears
This guide outlines a seven-step water conservation planning process to help communities of all sizes work towards a healthy water future. It is designed to help small to mid-sized communities identify and realize their water conservation goals, and contains information that larger B.C. communities may also find useful. This guide was co-developed by POLIS, the B.C. Ministry of Community, Sport & Cultural Development, and the Okanagan Basin Water Board. It also features an accompanying workbook with checklists for each step. For a copy of the supplementary Water Conservation Guide worksheets, contact Madelaine Martin at [email protected].
This guide is an updated edition of the 2009 publication Water Conservation Planning Guide for British Columbia’s Communities.