Published On: October 1st, 2011
Author: Susanne Porter-Bopp, Oliver M. Brandes, and Calvin Sandborn with Laura Brandes
This handbook outlines the problems with conventional stormwater management and examines solutions for moving toward sustainability. It provides a comprehensive blueprint that outlines the crucial steps necessary to change the way communities manage and, importantly, govern stormwater. A main focus is addressing the fragmented responsibility for fresh water across and within jurisdictions—one of the greatest challenges to reinventing rainwater management.
This handbook was developed in partnership with the Environmental Law Centre (ELC) at the University of Victoria and is based on the ELC’s 2010 report Re-inventing Rainwater Management: A Strategy to Protect Health and Restore Nature in the Captical Region.
Check out the October 2011 Peeling Back the Pavement webinar here.
Peeling Back the Pavement: A Blueprint for Reinventing Rainwater Management in Canada's Communities