Published On: February 1st, 2007
Author: Oliver M Brandes, Tony Maas, Adam Mjolsness, and Ellen Reynolds
This case study is a “real world” application of the soft path concept for the Town of Oliver in the Okanagan Basin, British Columbia. In this semi-arid area, the “myth of water abundance” remains firmly entrenched even though the region’s water supplies and aquatic ecosystems are under stress. Fortunately, a new paradigm of water management is emerging—an approach focused primarily on water conservation and efficiency, with the potential to ensure long-term sustainability and social and economic prosperity. This report provides an overview of the soft path approach, an analysis of three potential scenarios in the Okanagan, and recommendations for the community to take steps towards developing a sustainable approach to water management.
A New Path To Water Sustainability For The Town Of Oliver, BC - Soft Path Case Study