Published On: October 1st, 2015
Author: Anne Muter and Linda Nowlan
This statement of expectations for an environmental flow needs regulation under B.C.’s Water Sustainability Act (WSA) was spurred by a October 2015 workshop that was attended by a diversity of individuals working on issues related to water sustainability. Attendees represented First Nation groups, watershed boards, funding organizations, stewardship groups, and academia. The stakeholders expect that an environmental flow needs regulation will build on the points set out in the general Environmental Sector Expectations for Regulations under BC’s WSA. The 9 expectations for environmental flow needs (EFNs) include:
- EFNs must be addressed in binding regulations,
- First Nations rights and title must be included as part of EFNs management,
- Regulations must require that EFNs be protected when issuing new licences.
Environmental Sector Expectations for an Environmental Flow Needs Regulation