Cross-Canada Checkup: A Canadian Perspective on Our Water Future

Published On: May 10th, 2012

Author: Jesse Baltutis and Timothy Shah with Oliver M. Brandes, Nancy Goucher, Deborah Harford and Robert Sandford

Cross-Canada Checkup: A Canadian Perspective on Our Water Future offers a first-hand account of the state of fresh water across the country, and outlines the water challenges and priorities facing Canadians.

Capturing the national pulse on water, the report is a synthesis of themes, perspectives, and information from the Forum for Leadership on Water‘s fall 2011 cross-Canada water discussion series tour. It illustrates the interrelatedness of many water issues common to all Canadians, and documents the growing need for solutions that transcend chronic jurisdictional challenges. It also explores the Northwest Territories’ groundbreaking new water stewardship strategy as a model for water policy reform in the rest of Canada.

The report was co-published by the POLIS Project on Ecological Governance and the Adaptation to Climate Change Team (ACT) at Simon Fraser University.

To download a copy of the report, please click the links below. A two-page report summary is also available for download.

Cross-Canada Checkup: A Canadian Perspective on Our Water Future

Summary Report: Cross-Canada Checkup

En français: Bilan Pancanadien - Perspective Canadienne Sur Notre Avenir Hydrique

Media Release: Cross-Canada Checkup