A Canada Water Agency is the first step to modernizing water management

Policy Options

Published On: April 27th, 2020

Author: Oliver M. Brandes, Merrell-Ann Phare, John W. Pomeroy

Brandes, O.M., Phare, M-A, & Pomeroy, J.W. (2020, April 27). A Canada Water Agency is the first step to modernizing water managementPolicy Options.

Canada’s federal water regime needs a comprehensive overhaul that must involve both the creation of key management institutions such as a Canada Water Agency and renewal of the Canada Water Act. This overhaul should focus on building climate change resilience, advancing reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and supporting innovative approaches to water governance. By taking a bold approach to water law and governance reform the federal government can improve water security for an increasingly uncertain future and help advance watershed governance across Canada.

A Canada Water Agency is the first step to modernizing water management