Published On: August 17th, 2017
Oliver M. Brandes, POLIS Water Sustainability Project Lead, has been appointed to support the review of better source water protection in B.C.’s Hullcar Aquifer. George Heyman, B.C. Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, made the announcement in August 2017. The announcement was picked up by local papers across B.C. as well as Water Canada magazine.
Independent expert to oversee Hullcar review (BC Gov News, Aug. 17, 2017)
Researcher hired to probe water pollution in Spallumcheen (The Daily Courier, Aug. 17, 2017)
Hullcar expert named (Vernon Morning Star, Aug. 17, 2017)
Hullcar expert named (BC Local News, Aug. 17, 2017)
B.C. Appoints Expert to Review Pollution in Hullcar Aquifer (Water Canada, Aug. 18, 2017)