Resilience Thinking and the Future of Watersheds

Date: June 26th, 2014

In this webinar, Ryan Plummer explores the concept of “resilience thinking,” which involves the ability to deal with change and crises in a watershed context. Using progressive examples from Sweden and Canada, he discusses new tools for dealing with both foreseen (e.g. climate change) and unforeseen (e.g. flooding or drought) crises, and the crucial roles of collaboration and learning in watershed-based decision-making. Following this, Simon Courtenay discusses the work of the Canadian Watershed Research Consortium (CWRC) and its focus on supporting regional cumulative effects monitoring and decision-making regarding land-use management, natural resource management, and impact mitigation.


Ryan Plummer, Director, Environmental Sustainability Research Centre; Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Resilience Centre

Simon Courtenay, Scientific Director, Canadian Water Network

Webinar Slides: Resilience Thinking and the Future of Watersheds (PDF, 3.6 MB)
Resilience Thinking and Practice Additional Resources (PDF, 555 KB)