Evolving Watershed Governance in B.C.: New Research & Initiatives 

Date: June 21st, 2016

In this webinar, speakers highlight recent research and on-the-ground examples of watershed governance in action in B.C. Findings were shared from the POLIS Project research report “Illumination: Insights and Perspectives for Building Effective Watershed Governance in British Columbia,” which identifies the remaining knowledge and capacity gaps that constrain progress towards achieving watershed governance in the province. Innovative watershed governance arrangements in the Nechako and Kootenay Lake regions were also discussed.

Natasha Overduin, Watershed Governance Project Manager and Research Associate, POLIS Water Sustainability Project
Heather Leschied, Program Manager, Living Lakes Canada & Chair, Kootenay Lake Partnership and East Kootenay Integrated Lake Management Partnership
Theresa Fresco, Assistant Regional Manager, Upper Fraser Region, Fraser Basin Council