Introducing New Collaborative Monitoring Initiative

Published On: July 20th, 2021

We are pleased to welcome Ania Javorski to the POLIS team. She is joining in the role of Coordinator for the Collaborative Monitoring Initiative (CMI). The CMI is a partnership between the BC Freshwater Legacy Initiative and Watersheds BC, both of which are projects of MakeWay, and the POLIS Water Sustainability Project. Development and implementation of the CMI program will be shared across several key partners to ensure distributed leadership and foster a collaborative, networked approach to water monitoring coordination.

As CMI Coordinator, Ania oversees coordination of the program to learn from and support a cohort of regional water monitoring champions, while working closely with the larger network of B.C. water leaders to explore opportunities for strategic alignment of monitoring opportunities. She promotes communication, collaboration, and alignment between community-based monitoring groups (environmental and Indigenous-led), regional water monitoring and reporting initiatives, governments (First Nations, federal, provincial, and municipal), and B.C. water funders.

Water monitoring and reporting are necessary for effective decision-making in watershed management and governance. The CMI program seeks to improve outcomes for watersheds through three core strategies:

  • Convening and coordinating initiatives at multiple levels.
  • Supporting and learning from regional monitoring initiatives.
  • Developing tools and resources.

As a catalytic six-month initiative, the CMI will test the potential for longer-term coordination and identify options for housing a sustainable program that best serves regional champions and increases leaders capacity.  The CMI coordinator will support the development of a water monitoring community of practice and acts as a point of contact for regional initiatives in the development of resources and programming.

Ania received her MSc in Biology in the Natural Resources and Environmental Studies program from the University of Northern British Columbia. She worked as an Environmental Research Consultant prior to joining the POLIS team and has experience in designing, managing, and implementing environmental monitoring programs that will be as asset in her new role as CMI Coordinator.

Contact Ania for more information.