Water Law & Policy - News

Our water law and policy work focuses on developing and improving the legal tools to protect water and watersheds and to promote stewardship. In all our work we are attentive to the importance and evolution of Indigenous law in reshaping watershed governance.

We have been actively engaged in the process of modernizing British Columbia’s water law since 2008, and the core of our water law and policy research is directed at informing the development and implementation of B.C.’s Water Sustainability Act, with a focus on:

  • Investigating and promoting legal and policy tools that provide robust ecological protections, preservation of environmental flows, incentives for water conservation, and innovative approaches to planning and governance;
  • Supporting governments and communities to ensure better understanding of the mix of legal tools that can be applied to protect water and improve decision-making in their particular context; and
  • Understanding opportunities for Indigenous and non-Indigenous legal traditions to ensure the protection of water and its cultural uses.

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