Webinar—Running Out of Steam? Emerging Challenges for the Water-Energy Nexus in B.C. and Beyond

Date: October 4th, 2012

This webinar offers perspectives on current and emerging water and energy priorities in British Columbia and beyond. The presenters explore on-the-ground case studies that depict the challenges and potential opportunities relating to the water-energy nexus, including water conservation and energy efficiency strategies. They also propose four recommended actions for beginning to move toward more effective governance of our interconnected water and energy resources.


Jesse Baltutis
Researcher & Water Policy and Governance Project Coordinator, POLIS Water Sustainability Project

Ben Parfitt
Resource Policy Analyst, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) & Research Associate, POLIS Water Sustainability Project

Steven Weissman
Director, Energy Program, Centre for Law, Energy & the Environment, Berkeley Law, University of California

Click the PDF link at the bottom of this page to download a detailed summary of the webinar that includes links to related reports and readings.

Running Out of Steam Webinar Summary